Notes by Brandon Carroll
These notes were prepared by Brandon Carroll when he taught ECE3084 at Georgia Tech Lorraine in the Spring 2017 semester. They are heavily based on notes by Dr. Jennifer Michaels.
- Lecture 1: Intro
- Lecture 2: Systems and Their Properties
- Lecture 3: Impulse and Frequency Response
- Lecture 4: Convolution
- Lecture 5: Correlation and Matched Filtering
- Lecture 6: Fourier Series
- Lecture 7: FourierTransform
- Lecture 8: Modulation
- Lecture 9: Sampling
- Lecture 10: Laplace Transform
- Lecture 11: Partial Fraction Expansions
- Lecture 12: Transfer Functions and Stability
- Lecture 13: Frequency Response of 2nd Order Systems
- Lecture 14: Step Response
- Lecture 15: Laplace Transforms and Z Transforms
- Lecture 16: S-Domain Circuit Analysis
- Lecture 17: Feedback
- Lecture 18: PID Control
- Lecture 19: Parsevals
Lecture Slides by John Barry
These are available on Dr. Barry’s ECE3084 website.